Class Work |
- Work with a partner to create your own fashion line.
- Sketch two different outfits to represent your fashion line. Then give your line a name. You and your partner should not write your names on the fashion sketches.
分别画出两套服装的草图来反映你们的时尚系列,并为其命名。不要将你和同伴的名字写在草图上。 |
- The teacher collects all the fashion sketches and posts them on the board. A pair of students comes up to select one of the sketches. They should introduce and promote the fashion line to the class, and describe the clothing and style.
- The class then tries to guess which pair of students created the fashion line. The pair that guesses correctly then has a turn to come up and select a fashion sketch. Continue until all sketches have been matched to their creators.