You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15
seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.
Now play track 2-12 on the MP3 to hear Question 1.
What are your favorite subjects at school? Why do you like them?
Preparation time: 15 seconds
Response time: 45 seconds
Answers will vary.
You will now be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.
Now play track 2-13 on the MP3 to hear Question 2.
Some students like to do homework, others find it boring. How about you? Why?
Preparation time: 15 seconds
Response time: 45 seconds
Answers will vary.
You will now read a short passage and then listen to a conversation on the same topic. You will then be asked a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your
response and 60 seconds to speak.
Now play track 2-14 on the MP3 to hear Question 3.
Reading time: 45 seconds
Announcement for first-year students
To all first-year students — Please have your class chedules completed and returned to your advisors no later than 3 p.m. on Thursday. Any students not doing this will have their schedules made for them. When this is done there can be no changes until next semester. This must be done so we can assign teachers to classes. It is also necessary so we can schedule our classrooms. Thank you for your cooperation.
What did the first student suggest her classmate do about her class schedule? Why?
Preparation time: 30 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
Possible answer: The first student suggested that his classmate discuss her class schedule with his advisor because they had to complete and return it [to the advisor] the following Thursday, and the second student needed help to decide what courses to take.
You will now read a short passage and then listen to a talk on the same topic. You will then be asked a
question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Now play track 1-15 on the MP3 to hear Question 4.
Reading time: 45 seconds
Career choices
When you finish your studies, you will want to start working in some area. Usually by your second year in college, you will have a good idea of what you want to do. Sometimes you will have this decided before you study, sometimes you will wait until you are sure of your feelings, and sometimes you will want to change your field. Each student is an individual and will have the chance to decide for himself or herself during our advisory sessions.
What reason does the advisor give for planning your studies? Why?
Preparation time: 30 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
Possible answer: The advisor says that you need to plan your studies according to what you want to do when you finish studying. He says it is better to concentrate on studying the subjects that will help you pursue your goals after school.
You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Now play track 2-16 on the MP3 to hear Question 5.
What was the boy's problem? Do you agree with his solution? Why?
Preparation time: 20 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
Possible answer: The boy was a new student who got lost on campus. He asked a security guard for directions to go to the library. I agree with his solutions because I would do the same. (Or I disagree because I ...)
You will now listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked a question about it. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Now play track 2-17 on the MP3 to hear Question 6.
According to the lecturer, what will the impression people get about the school depend on? Why?
Preparation time: 20 seconds
Response time: 60 seconds
Possible answer: The impression people will get about the school will depend on the information the students give them during the school tour in which they will guide visitors. It is important that they give accurate and complete information to those visitors.