Listening Test
Listen to track 2-10 on the MP3.
Directions: Mark your answer by filling in the oval next to your choice.
Listen to track 2-11 on the MP3.
Directions: Mark your answer by filling in the oval next to your choice.
- Garson talking about on the first day as advisor for the semester? 23
- Describing the school facilities.
- Introducing new teachers and staff members.
- Explaining about required and elective courses to new students.
- Identifying college buildings.
- According to the advisor, the required subjects for the semester are 23
- math, English, and history.
- American history, geography, and calculus.
- English, geometry, and computer science.
- none of the above.
- The advisor says "History is open at all levels" because 23
- everyone likes to study history.
- study is usually divided into the different historical time periods.
- history has helped him in many ways.
- history opens up your mind.
- According to the advisor, elective courses are 23
- algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus.
- basketball, soccer, baseball.
- athletics, swimming and tennis.
- courses that are not required, in science, business, the arts fields, etc.
- The advisor mentions several requirements. For each description, place a checkmark in the correct
- Which of the following is not correct? 23
- Everyone must take three required subjects.
- In history, you may choose from almost any culture and time history course.
- English is the only course arranged through a test placing you at the right level.
- All students must take the same courses at the same time.