Pair Work Look at a university calendar or search the Internet for a website of a university that you may be interested in attending. Locate the course offerings. What are some subjects that you have never heard of before? Write them down and find out more about them. Are they ones you would like to study? Tell your partner about these new subjects. Ask your partner if the subjects interest him/her. Reverse roles.
1.Let’s focus on teacher’s demonstration. 让我们看看老师的示范练习。
2.Please finish this practice according to the following strategy. 你可以按照下面的策略来完成这个练习。
Culture Note
Traditionally universities in the United States offer courses in the arts and sciences, and students graduate obtaining a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) or B.S. (Bachelor of Science). Universities in many places are now offering students more flexibilities in choosing their courses of study under those headings. Students are even allowed to design their own major or courses of study. But they are allowed to graduate on condition that they have collected enough credits. 传统意义的美国大学提供文科和理科的课程,学生毕业后获得文学学士(简称BA)和理学学士(简称BS)。如今,许多地方的大学在此基础上,为学生们提供了更为灵活的选课方式。甚至学生可以自己设计专业或课程,但前提是毕业时必须获得足够的学分。
Let’s watch the teacher’s video. 让我们看看老师的视频讲解
Culture Note
While most schools have similar subjects, exercises and activities, there are a number of alternative models of education. Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an Italian doctor and educator. She developed teaching materials and games to exploit children's natural curiosity. The Montessori method encourages children to explore their environment, handle objects, and solve problems. There are now
thousands of Montessori schools around the world.
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was an Austrian writer and philosopher. He developed an education model that emphasizes play and the arts. There are no exams, grades, computers or televisions as part of the teaching, and students have the same teacher until they are around 10 to 14 years old. A school like this is also known as a Waldorf School. There are over 900 Waldorf schools around the world currently.
What do you think of these different approaches to teaching and learning?