Pair Work
Draw a person on a piece of paper. Add a lot of details to your drawing. Work with a partner and describe the drawing. Don't show your partner your picture. Have your partner draw a person based on your description. After, compare your pictures. Is your partner's picture similar to yours? Reverse roles.

Here are three celebrity pictures as follows. Let’s focus on teacher’s description.

Culture Note

In most Western cultures, it isn't polite to say someone is “fat”, even if he/she fits this description. And it is particularly not polite to say this directly to a person. This is especially true when describing a woman. What words can you use instead of “fat”? We can say “She's a big/ large/heavy woman.” In the same way, it is also rude to call someone skinny. “Slim” is a better word to describe thin girls.
在大多数西方文化中,说某人很胖是不礼貌的,虽然他/她确实很胖。当面直接这样说尤其不礼貌,特别是在形容女士的时候。那么,什么词语可以代替“胖(fat)”使用呢?我们可以说“She's a big/large/heavy woman.”。同样地,用skinny(骨瘦如柴的)这个词来形容人很瘦,也不太礼貌。slim(苗条的)这个词可以更礼貌地形容瘦女孩。

Let’s watch the teacher’s video.