
Listen and fill in the blanks with words relating to the person's job, skill, quality or ability.
Use the Word Box to help you.
听录音并用与这个人的工作、技能、品质或能力相关的词语填空。使用Word Box中的词语。
Word Box
Job(工作): journalist nurse musician teacher
Skill(技能): interpersonal communication language  
Quality(品质): artistic creative cheerful sensitive
organized energetic adventurous independent
Ability(能力): teaching young children caring for people performing entertaining
doing research writing    
  1. Hi, I'm Henry. I'm a . I am artistic and creative. I like performing in front of large audiences and people.
  2. Hi, I'm Julie. I'm a . I have good skills. I'm cheerful and sensitive. I like .
  3. Hi, I'm Gabby. I'm a . I have excellent skills. I'm organized and energetic. I enjoy .
  4. Hi, I'm David. I'm a . I have good skills. I am adventurous and independent. I like doing research and .


Listen again and check your answers.


Pair Work
Choose one of the jobs from 2A that interests you the most. Pretend that you have that job. Your partner asks questions about your job using the questions in Take Note. You then make up answers. Reverse roles.
2A部分选择一个你最感兴趣的工作。假设你正从事这项工作,你的同伴可以用Take Note中的句子对你的工作进行提问,你回答问题。交换角色练习。

1.Let’s focus on teacher’s demonstration.

2.Please finish this practice according to the following strategy.


Step.1 从2A中的图中选择一项你最感兴趣的工作,并把该图用手机拍下来,然后用微信发给你的同伴。
Step.2用微信联系一位同伴,让你的同伴使用Take Note中的句式对你的工作进行提问,你回答问题。然后交换角色进行练习。 或者在适当的时候,利用QQ语音功能 ,完成这个任务。 

Take Note Useful Language

What do you do for a living?
What are the skills/qualities/abilities needed for the job?
Why are you good at your job?
What do you like about your job?
Word Box
Job(工作): journalist nurse musician teacher
Skill(技能): interpersonal communication language  
Quality(品质): artistic creative cheerful sensitive
organized energetic adventurous independent
Ability(能力): teaching young children caring for people performing entertaining
doing research writing