Class Work

Form a group of three students. Make up a conversation. It can be on any subject, but it should have a main idea and five specific details.
Then make up five questions about your group's conversation. One of these questions should be “What is the main idea?”The other four questions can be related to details discussed in the conversation.
然后针对你们组的对话内容,提出五个问题,其中一个问题应该为:“对话的大意是什么?”其余四个问题可以和对话里的具体细节相关。 One group comes to the front of the classroom and role-plays their conversation to the class. They then ask their five questions.
The group that can answer the most questions of the first group then has a turn to come to the front and role-play their conversation. Continue until all groups have presented to the class. 回答问题最多的一组下一个表演对话。直到每组学生轮流表演一遍为止。