Listening Test

Listen to track 2-18 on the MP3.
Directions: Mark your answer by filling in the oval next to your choice.

1. What are Peter and Patricia talking about?  正确答案:(B)
A. Patricia's parents and brother visiting the school.
B. Peter's family visiting the school for the first time.
C. Peter's brother coming to visit the school.
D. Patricia's grandparents visiting her at school again.
2. According to Peter's description, his father  正确答案:(C)
A. is tall and with brown hair.
B. is short, fat, with very little hair.
C. is heavy, like Peter, but he has a mustache.
D. looks like him.
3. How does Peter describe their house?  正确答案:(D)
A. It is an apartment, too small for the family.
B. It is a big house far away from the school.
C. It is a big apartment three miles away from the school.
D. It is a big house, near the school, with three bedrooms.
4. What is Peter not going to show his family at the school?   正确答案:(C)
A. The chemistry lab.
B. The sports facilities.
C. The administration building.
D. The computer science lab.
5. What does Patricia mean by "You' re going to be very busy"?  正确答案:(C)
A. Peter will have to study a lot.
B. Peter is going to work in the school lunch room.
C. Peter is going to take his family on a tour of many school areas.
D. Peter is attending many classes.

Listen to track 2-19 on the MP3.
Directions: Mark your answer by filling in the oval next to your choice.

6. The school director is talking to the students because  正确答案:(C)
A. he is looking for a library assistant.
B. he is giving students ideas about tests.
C. he is introducing teachers on the first day of classes.
D. he is making appointments to talk about students' problems.
7. Match the description of the teachers with the subjects they teach.

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According to the director, what are the teachers not going to do after students introduce themselves?   正确答案:(B)
A. They will help students plan their classes.
B. They will try to assign students as much homework as possible.
C. They are going to make their studies as interesting as possible.
D. They will ask students what subjects they like.
What does the director say, "Please make an appointment with my assistant" for?   正确答案:(B)
A. To help students plan their classes.
B. To meet student or parents to talk about something they need.
C. To introduce students to the teachers.
D. To take them on a tour of the school.
10. What information is not given in the lecture?  正确答案:(A)
A. The school has a library with a computer center for students.
B. There are art and music departments in the school.
C. History and geography are taught by Ms. Karen Green.
D. Mr. Spencer, the sports teacher, is not at the school that day.
11. Which of the sentences below is true according to the lecture?  正确答案:(C)
A. Students already know the school and its facilities.
B. Parents will be taken on a welcome tour of the school.
C. The director hopes students enjoy the facilities and like their new school.
D. It is not necessary to be on time on the first day of classes.